Punctuation in Casual Texting — ENG1125

3 min readAug 4, 2023


Without a doubt, punctuation plays an imperative role in language and communication. However, its correct use seems to be limited to formal settings such as school and work, or places where fun takes a back seat.

Societal norms place immense pressure on us to present ourselves perfectly when communicating in these formal settings. Yet, paradoxically, when it comes to casual texting, the expectation to adhere to punctuation rules often dissolves. The moment you choose to include proper punctuation in a text, you may find yourself labeled as ‘serious,’ ‘old-fashioned,’ or even ‘angry,’ when all you desire is to convey your message clearly with accuracy.

This discrepancy in the use of punctuation leads to miscommunications, as it gives rise to assumptions about the tone of the text that may not align with the sender’s true intentions. Your words may inadvertently create an impression of being curt or adopting a specific tone, when in reality, it might not be the case at all.

On the other hand, the lack of proper punctuation in casual texting can sometimes lead to ambiguity or confusion. Messages may be misinterpreted, and the intended meaning can get lost in the absence of clear punctuation cues.

So, the question arises: Is it necessary to maintain a strict separation between the use of punctuation in formal and casual texting? Would we be perceived differently if we suddenly employed correct punctuation in our text messages? And if there is a difference in perception, is it a positive or negative outcome?

In my view, the distinction between formal and casual punctuation can be rather arbitrary and even detrimental to effective communication. Punctuation serves a crucial purpose in conveying the intended tone and meaning of a message, regardless of the setting. By allowing casual texting to be lax in punctuation, we risk perpetuating the notion that clear communication is less important in informal contexts.

If we were to break away from this norm and consistently use correct punctuation in all our text messages, it might bring about positive changes. Clarity would be enhanced, and the risk of misunderstandings would decrease significantly. Moreover, it would also dispel the perception that proper punctuation is synonymous with a lack of fun or a serious demeanor.

Embracing correct punctuation in casual texting could also foster a culture of clear and thoughtful communication, encouraging others to follow suit. As a result, our text messages would become more effective tools for sharing ideas, expressing emotions, and connecting with one another authentically.

However, it is essential to approach this change in a balanced manner. While incorporating proper punctuation in casual texting is beneficial, it’s equally crucial to maintain a conversational and relaxed tone. Finding the right balance ensures that messages remain engaging and authentic while still being clear and comprehensible.

In conclusion, the dichotomy between formal and casual punctuation seems to be rooted in societal norms rather than practicality. By breaking away from this convention and embracing proper punctuation in all contexts, we can enhance clarity and minimize misunderstandings in our text messages. Let us redefine the way we communicate and recognize that effective communication is not bound by formality but rather by the clarity and sincerity of our words.

